Important methods to keep servers safe

Important methods to keep servers safe

Physical Security: While a server’s physical security may not be the first thing that comes to mind, it is a critical issue. Any unauthorised party gaining access to a machine, or even a hard drive, is a serious risk. One way to help minimize this risk, even in the event of an intrusion, is by configuring the system to only boot from an internal hard drive. Naturally, a strong password is always a good idea as well.

Encrypt Hardware Drives: Encrypting drives keeps files secure. Servers using a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) and drives that have been encrypted make it easy for server administrators to access and maintain the appropriate information without jeopardising server security.

Restrict Remote Access: Logging into a server locally is no longer the norm. Many webmasters and systems administrators use servers all around the globe, making remote access a common practice. Restricting remote access by IP, using security tokens and using private connections are ways to log in via remote access without putting a server’s security into harm’s way.

Update and Verify Software: One of the greatest threats to server security is out-of-date software. One of the primary reasons software providers update products as frequently as they do is to account for potential security threats. Making sure that all software is up-to-date is a critical step in ensuring that your servers are secure. It’s also important to make sure that a server is not using any unnecessary software. The more programs the server is running, the more difficult it is to maintain the server – and the more likely a server administrator is to miss a software update.

Use Linux Servers: Linux servers have been historically more secure than their Windows counterparts. Regardless of which operating system a server uses, though, it is important that webmasters and systems administrators are always knowledgeable of the most recent potential threats to their servers. Linux, an open-source platform with a huge global community, tends to offer quicker responses to any potential viruses or attacks because there are so many skilled programmers working together to develop an appropriate security measure.

Establish Firewalls and Access Lists: Firewalls serve as distinct barriers that prevent the general public from accessing a server. They serve as guards monitoring both incoming and outgoing traffic to/from a server and determine if the data that traffic requests is appropriate. Users determine what data the firewall should deem appropriate during the initial configuration process.


Value of Managed Hosting

While each of these considerations may seem simple enough, many webmasters quickly find that server management – particularly server security – is a hefty task that quickly becomes overwhelming.

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